Senin, 05 Oktober 2009

Final Mix

Sora battles Neoshadows, a new type of Heartless found in Final Mix, using the One-Winged Angel Keyblade.

Released only in Japan, Kingdom Hearts Final Mix has several events and a number of gameplay tweaks that are not in previous releases. Spoken dialogue is in English,[91] with Japanese subtitles. New scenes, clarifying certain plot points, such as Riku's journey and foreshadowing of Kingdom Hearts II, were included. A gameplay option allows the player to skip cut scenes after seeing them once.[91] The optional bosses first included in the English version were introduced to Japanese players for the first time, along with "Unknown", in an attempt to raise interest for the sequel.

In another attempt at foreshadowing, a video titled "Another Side, Another Story 【 deep dive 】" plays at the ending if the player accomplishes certain tasks.[92] New music tracks incorporated were "Disappeared" and "Another Side". The "Night on Bald Mountain" and "One-Winged Angel" tracks from the English version were included as well. Other changes include new abilities, new weapons, new items, additional and recolored enemies,[93] and gameplay tweaks to make the game easier for the player, along with two new levels of difficulty.[92][94] When first released, Final Mix included either a deck of Kingdom Hearts cards or special music CD. A limited "Platinum Edition" version of Kingdom Hearts Final Mix was later released with an action figure of Sora, a sticker set, and sketches of some of the main characters.[91]


The main protagonists, from left to right: Riku, Kairi, Sora, Donald, and Goofy

Because Kingdom Hearts was a collaboration between Disney and Square, it features a mixture of familiar Disney and Square characters, as well as several new characters created and designed by Tetsuya Nomura.[23] The primary protagonist of the game is Sora, a 14-year old boy who is chosen to wield the Keyblade, a sword-like weapon for battling darkness. The game also features two of his friends, Riku and Kairi. For most of the game, Sora is joined by Donald Duck and Goofy. Donald, the court wizard, and Goofy, captain of the royal guard,[24] were sent from Disney Castle to find the Keyblade.[25] The three join forces to search for King Mickey Mouse, Kairi, and Riku. The primary antagonist is Ansem, who is seeking to find power and knowledge by using dark beings called the Heartless. The Heartless, hearts corrupted by darkness, serve as most of the enemies encountered in the game and come in a variety of shapes and sizes.

As a game meant to explore the fictional universes of various Disney films, over one hundred Disney characters are featured in various capacities.[26] While many serve as major characters in the story, others appear in cameo roles, such as the One Hundred and One Dalmatians playing a part in a side-quest. Most worlds also feature a Disney villain whom the player must defeat. The player can summon various Disney characters to fight alongside Sora in battle, causing Donald and Goofy to withdraw from the battlefield for the duration of the summon. Available summoned characters include the Genie from Aladdin, Tinkerbell from Peter Pan, and Simba from The Lion King, among others.[15]

Square also incorporated several characters from the Final Fantasy series into the game, though the characters were slightly altered to fit the game's back-story. On Destiny Islands, the player meets younger versions of Tidus and Wakka from Final Fantasy X and Selphie from Final Fantasy VIII. In Traverse Town, the player encounters Squall Leonhart (known in the game as "Leon") from Final Fantasy VIII as well as Aerith, Cid, and Yuffie from Final Fantasy VII.[15] Rikku from Final Fantasy X and Irvine from Final Fantasy VIII were both originally set to make cameo appearances, but were replaced by Yuffie and Wakka respectively.[27][28] Cloud and Sephiroth, both from Final Fantasy VII, make appearances in Olympus Coliseum, where the player can fight them in tournaments.[15] The emphasis on characters from later Final Fantasy installments stems from Nomura's hesitation to use characters he did not design.[29]

The game also uses other Final Fantasy icons. Moogles appear to provide item synthesis.[14] Several weapons, such as "Lionheart" and "Save the Queen", share names with other weapons from throughout the Final Fantasy series. Early in the game, Riku suggests the name "Highwind" for the raft that he, Sora, and Kairi build, a reference to the airship of Final Fantasy VII. The magic-naming system in Kingdom Hearts (i.e. Fire, Fira, Firaga, etc.) is identical to Final Fantasy magic. The names of various spells are also the names of Gummi blocks, and various summons, weapons, bosses, and monsters are the names of Gummi Ship blueprints.


The main character, Sora, fights against Heartless in the Monstro world. The heads-up display consists of a game menu at the bottom left of the screen, and the character health and magic meters on the right side.

Kingdom Hearts is influenced by its parent franchise, Final Fantasy,[9] and carries gameplay elements over into its own action-based, hack and slash system. The main battle party consists of three characters: Sora, Donald Duck and Goofy.[10] Sora is directly controlled by the player from a third person camera angle.[11] All other party members are computer-controlled,[12] though the player can customize their behavior to an extent through the pause menu.[13] Donald and Goofy are the computer-controlled characters that are usable in most areas. However, nearly every world in the game features its own party member who can be chosen to replace Goofy or Donald in the party while the party is in that world. For instance, Jack Skellington can join the player's party in Halloween Town, but can not accompany the player elsewhere. On some worlds, the party changes its appearance, has abilities unique to that world, or both. For example, the party can fly in Neverland and has aquatic forms in Atlantica, which enable them to survive underwater.

Like many traditional role-playing games, Kingdom Hearts features an experience point system which determines character development. As enemies are defeated, the player gains experience which can lead up to a "level up", where the characters grow stronger and gain access to new abilities.[14] Unlike other games of its type, Kingdom Hearts allows a certain degree of character development customization through a short tutorial found at the beginning of the game. The tutorial allows the player to select from one of three main attributes―strength, defense, and magic―for Sora to excel in and one to lack in.[15] By choosing certain options, the player is able to manipulate how Sora learns abilities, grows statistically, and even gains levels.[15] Donald, Goofy, and any other additional party members are assigned specific areas of strength from the outset. Donald excels in magic and Goofy excels in defense and special attacks.[16]

The game is driven in a primarily linear progression from one story event to the next, usually told in the form of a cut scene, though there are numerous side quests available that provide bonus benefits to the characters.[13] Most of the gameplay occurs on interconnected field maps where battles take place. Combat in Kingdom Hearts is in real time[17] and involves pressing buttons to initiate attacks by the on-screen character. A role-playing game menu, similar to those found in Final Fantasy games, found at the bottom left of the screen provides other combat options such as using magic and items. There is also a context-sensitive option at the bottom of the menu, usually used for interacting with the environment or performing special attacks. This menu is manipulated by using the right analog stick or digital pad, while movement is controlled by the left analog stick, allowing the player to navigate the menu while avoiding or approaching enemies.[14]

Cover Kingdom Hearts

Kingdom Hearts (キングダムハーツ?) is an action role-playing game developed and published by Square (now Square Enix) in 2002 for the PlayStation 2 video game console.[1] The first game in the Kingdom Hearts series, it is the result of a collaboration between Square and The Walt Disney Company. The game combines characters and settings from Disney animated features with those from Square's Final Fantasy series. The story follows a young boy, Sora, as he is thrown into an epic battle against the forces of darkness. He is joined by Donald Duck and Goofy, classic Disney characters who help him on his quest.

Kingdom Hearts was a departure from Square's standard role-playing games, introducing a substantial action-adventure element to the gameplay. In addition, it has an all-star voice cast which includes many of the Disney characters' official voice actors.[2] Kingdom Hearts was longtime Square character designer Tetsuya Nomura's first time in a directorial position.[3]

The game was praised for its unusual combination of action and role-playing, as well as its unexpectedly harmonious mix of Square and Disney motifs.[4] It received numerous year-end "Best" video game awards, was a dominating presence in the 2002 holiday season, and went on to achieve Sony "Greatest Hits" status.[5] Since its release, Kingdom Hearts has sold over 5.6 million copies worldwide and has prompted three sequels.[6] Two more titles are currently being developed, which have a connection to a future, unannounced game.[7][8]

Jumat, 02 Oktober 2009

Pemerkosaan merajalela

Pemerkosaan adalah suatu tindakan kriminal di mana si korban dipaksa untuk melakukan aktivitas seksual, khususnya penetrasi dengan alat kelamin, di luar kemauannya sendiri.

Istilah pemerkosaan dapat pula digunakan dalam arti kiasan, misalnya untuk mengacu kepada pelanggaran yang lebih umum seperti perampokan, penghancuran, penangkapan atas warga masyarakat yang terjadi pada saat sebuah kota atau negara dilanda perang.


Di zaman kuno hingga akhir Abad Pertengahan, pemerkosaan pada umumnya tidak dianggap sebagai kejahatan terhadap seorang gadis atau perempuan, melainkan lebih kepada pribadi sang laki-laki yang "memilikinya". Jadi, hukuman atas pemerkosaan seringkali berupa denda, yang harus dibayarkan kepada sang ayah atau suami yang mengalami "kerugian" karena "harta miliknya" "dirusak". Posisi ini kemudian diubah di banyak lingkungan budaya karena pandangan bahwa, seperti halnya sang "pemilik", si perempuan itu sendiripun mestinya ikut mendapatkan ganti ruginya.

Pemerkosaan dalam peperangan juga dapat dilihat terjadi di zaman kuno sehingga disebutkan pula di dalam Alkitab, misalnya di dalam kisah tentang kaum perempuan yang diculik sebagai hadiah kemenangan.

Tentara Yunani, Kekaisaran Persia dan Kekaisaran Romawi, secara rutin memperkosa kaum perempuan maupun anak-anak lelaki di kota-kota yang ditaklukkan. Perilaku yang sama masih terjadi bahkan hingga tahun 1990-an, ketika pasukan-pasukan Serbia yang menyerang Bosnia dan Kosovo, melakukan kampanye yang penuh perhitungan dengan memperkosa kaum perempuan dan anak-anak lelaki di daerah-daerah yang mereka kuasai.

Hal yang sama pun terjadi di Indonesia. Kabarnya di Timor Timur, ketika masih menjadi bagian Indonesia, kaum perempuannya seringkali diperkosa sebagai bagian dari perang psikologis untuk menekan semangat untuk berontak[rujukan?]. Demikian pula dalam Kerusuhan Mei 1998, dilaporkan banyak kaum perempuan keturunan Tionghoa yang diperkosa dan dibunuh sebagai bagian dari strategi untuk mengancam mereka.

Pemerkosaan, sebagai strategi perang, dilarang oleh hukum militer yang disusun oleh Richard II dan Henry V (masing-masing tahun 1385 dan 1419). Hukum-hukum ini merupakan dasar untuk menjatuhkan hukuman dan mengeksekusi para pemerkosa pada masa Perang Seratus Tahun (1337-1453).

Hukum mengenai pemerkosaan

Dalam sistem hukum di Britania Raya dan di Amerika Serikat, yang dimaksudkan dengan "pemerkosaan" biasanya adalah apabila seorang laki-laki memaksa seorang perempuan melakukan hubungan seksual dengannya. Hingga akhir abad ke-20, hubungan seksual yang dipaksakan oleh seorang suami terhadap istrinya tidak dianggap sebagai "pemerkosaan", karena seorang perempuan (dengan maksud tertentu) tidak dianggap mempunyai hak untuk menolaknya. Kadang-kadang juga ada anggapan bahwa hubungan pernikahan merupakan pernyataan tersirat di muka untuk suatu hubungan seksual seumur hidup. Namun demikian, hukum pidana modern di kebanyakan negara barat kini telah mengesahkan hukum yang menolak pandangan demikian. Kini pemerkosaan juga diartikan sebagai hubungan paksa oleh pasangan, seperti hubungan seksual vaginal, dan tindak kekerasan seperti hubungan seksual anal yang biasanya dilarang dengan undang-undang sodomi. Hingga kini di Skotlandia hanya perempuan saja yang dapat dikategorikan mengalami pemerkosaan.

Istilah "pemerkosaan" kadang-kadang diartikan dengan sangat luas, hingga mencakup pula segala bentuk serangan seksual

Hukum Inggris

Di bawah Undang-undang Pelanggaran Seksual 2003, yang mulai diberlakukan sejak April 2004, pemerkosaan di Inggris dan Wales telah diperluas artinya dari hubungan vaginal atau anal tanpa persetujuan pihak yang lain kini menjadi penetrasi penis ke dalam vagina, anus ataupun mulut orang lain tanpa persetujuan orang tersebut. Perubahan ini juga mencakup masa hukumannya, sehingga kini ancaman hukuman untuk kasus pemerkosaan maksimum adalah hukuman seumur hidup.

Di dalam hukum Inggris, walaupun seorang perempuan yang memaksa seorang laki-laki untuk melakukan hubungan seksual tidak dapat dituntut telah melakukan pemerkosaan, bila ternyata ia membantu seorang laki-laki dalam melakukan pemerkosaan, ia pun dapat dituntut atas kejahatan itu. Seorang perempuan juga dapat dituntut apabila terbukti ia telah menyebabkan seorang laki-laki melakukan hubungan seksual tanpa kehendak laki-laki itu sendiri; ini adalah sebuah kejahatan yang juga diancam dengan hukuman seumur hidup bila hal ini melibatkan penetrasi terhadap mulut, anus, atau vagina. Peraturan ini juga mencakup sebuah kejahatan seksual baru yang disebut "serangan melalui penetrasi", yang juga diancam hukuman yang sama seperti pemerkosaan, dan dilakukan apabila seseorang melakukan penetrasi terhadap anus atau vagina secara seksual dengan bagian dari tubuhnya, atau dengan sebuah benda tertentu, tanpa persetujuan orang itu sendiri.

Hukum di AS

Laporan kejahatan di AS menggunakan "pemerkosaan dengan paksa", hanya untuk menggambarkan kasus-kasus pemerkosaan yang dilakukan oleh laki-laki terhadap perempuan. Namun demikian, masing-masing negara bagian AS memperluas definisi ini secara independen. Pemerkosaan oleh laki-laki terhadap sejenisnya biasanya diakui sama seperti pemerkosaan terhadap perempuan.